Food speaks the language of Tradition and Culture

Food is not just a commodity; it holds much to it then to its literal meaning. Having said that food not only explores the possibilities of opportunity but it is a way of life or existence. It is said food not only satisfies your appetite but it psychologically makes you feel at home. Like such, [...]

Tanzania: KAS sponsors the publication of a book on Climate Change

Servants of God through their network of Faith Based Organizations, the Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tanzania (IRCPT), have resolved to find a common ground in matters of Climate Change. Behind this initiative was the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), which has sponsored not only the conference that took place at Kebby’s Hotel in Mwenge on Thursday [...]


Lack of knowledge with regard to food poisoning could cause serious problems including death, particularly to rural dwellers, experts in this area have revealed. Briefing journalists and later on in an exclusive interview that was  conducted at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Mwenge, Dar es Salaam on Thursday last week, experts said that [...]

Political will a must to end child malnutrition

The Horn of Africa is suffering from the worst drought in 60 years, forcing people to flee their homes in search of food and water.  Women and children are suffering the most due to malnutrition, especially in Somali, where the famine hit the hardest. Many mothers say they would rather die trying to reach a UN [...]

Situation deteriorating in Mogadishu’s shanty towns as drought victims continue to pour in

Ravaged by 20 years of civil war, the Somali capital has experienced an influx of displaced persons in the last three months. Providing aid to people who have fled hunger and fighting is a constant challenge in this chaotic urban setting. Since July, more than 150,000 Somalis have left the provinces of the country’s central [...]

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