Gay rights with global warming and geoengineering
Global warming is real, there are clear evidences, but not everyone believes. Geoengineering, a scientific answer that offer temporary solutions, to prevent temperature rise of the earth to an irreversible level, is facing opposition because of its risks. Gay rights in our present world is touchy, many are revealing, expecting acceptance, for further legalization. The [...]
Ozone layer repair research maybe necessary
Parts of the earth’s ozone layer are depleted, because of the action of ozone depletion substances (mainly chlorofluorocarbons). These substances, from the period the world agreed to phase them out, till present, continue to be problem for the ozone layer and will, into the future. Scientists, aside focus on these substances have studied factors that [...]
NEPAL: Hypocrisy at its best, Climate Change an issue of Political Image
The Prime minister of Nepal Baburam Bhattrai is planning to leave for the trip to Rio de Janerio on Monday to address the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development of Rio+20 from June 20-22. The government made the decision on May 29 after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly where PM Bhattarai is expected to [...]
Top Four Climate Studies of 2011
The Washington Post reports that 2011 was an “extraordinarily turbulent” year for the Earth’s climate system. In the US there were record breaking extremes, from tornados to droughts. Two studies revealed how a warmer world is increasing the likelihood of heavy precipitation events. An Environment Canada study, found that the growing amount of heat-trapping gases [...]
Will James Inhofe Have The Last Laugh?
So what did the world get out of COP 17 at Durban? And more specifically what did the developing countries, which are just about appearing over the horizon of the greenhouse emissions historically created by the developed and rich nations already? It will be hard not to speculate how exactly the ravages of global warming [...]
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