Goldcorp on Trial: First Ever People’s Health Tribunal Shows Commonalities Throughout Mesoamerica

“A few years ago, our people, the people you can see around you, we began to realize what was happening,” Maudilia López told the hundreds gathered to attend the first ever People’s Health Tribunal in San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala. The event was packed, even as some attendees spilled out of the entrance of the crowded [...]

‘We Are All Barillas’: A new moment in Guatemala’s anti-extraction movement

June 18 marked the second mobilization under the banner “We Are All Barillas” in the department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Hundreds of community members, indigenous leaders and supporters from throughout the region traveled seven hours outside of the department’s capital to declare that the community of Santa Cruz Barillas would not be intimidated. Only one month [...]

Guatemalan Femicide: The Legacy of Repression and Injustice

One generally overlooked feature of the Guatemalan government and military’s 36-year (1960-96) genocidal counterinsurgency campaign against the country’s Mayan population is the strategy of targeting women with violence. Rape, mutilation, sexual slavery, forced abortion, and sterilizations were just some of the sadistic tools used in a systematic practice of state-sponsored terror to crush the surviving [...]

Drug gangs terrorizing Central America alarms United Nations

Drug-gang violence poses a security threat to Central American nations with violence increasing at an alarming rate, according to the United Nations narcotics group’s report released this week. The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) also said Honduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua had become major transit countries for traffickers. According to the INCB report: “The region of Central [...]

Political will a must to end child malnutrition

The Horn of Africa is suffering from the worst drought in 60 years, forcing people to flee their homes in search of food and water.  Women and children are suffering the most due to malnutrition, especially in Somali, where the famine hit the hardest. Many mothers say they would rather die trying to reach a UN [...]

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