Tanzania: KAS sponsors the publication of a book on Climate Change
Servants of God through their network of Faith Based Organizations, the Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tanzania (IRCPT), have resolved to find a common ground in matters of Climate Change. Behind this initiative was the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), which has sponsored not only the conference that took place at Kebby’s Hotel in Mwenge on Thursday [...]
U.S. backs Zimbabwe on alcohol policy to curb HIV transmission
The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC-Zimbabwe) is assisting Zimbabwe in developing an alcohol policy to help curb the spread of HIV and AIDS, a senior U.S. Embassy health official said on Tuesday. “Alcohol use is related to both risky sex and poor retention and care for people who are HIV infected,” said Dr. [...]
Combination Drug for TB Trial launched in Africa, Brazil
The TB Alliance has announced that it has launched a first-of-its-kind Phase II clinical trial to test a novel drug combination – in both patients who have TB, and those who have multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). This trial builds on the TB Alliance’s two-week New Combination 1 trial, or NC-001, initiated in 2010, which was the [...]
Delivering Sustainable Solutions to Women and Girls
Last week was International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate women and girls and increase awareness about their marginalization across the globe. Much work remains to be done, but there are hundreds of organizations and efforts working to address the issue of female rights across the world. Women Deliver, a global advocacy organization, recently announced [...]
Childhood Before Marriage
For millions of little girls across the world, childhood is brief. It is estimated that 10 million girls a year worldwide, the majority in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, are married under the age of 18, some as young as seven or eight. According to UNICEF, more than 40% of the world’s child marriages occur in India. [...]
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