The Thesis of Dominant Culture: Eurocommunism, Weltanshauung and Zeitgeist (VIDEO)
INTRODUCTION The discourse on non -western cultural expression, its ontology and its fundaments are consistently hijacked by proponents of what I call Eurocommunists; leftist forces in and outside Western academia in fact challenged proponents of capitalism and Western culture nothing more, nothing less. The silence of non-western scholarship in this discourse became cloaked by writers [...]
The Global Legacy of the Falklands War
Introduction: The legacy of the Falklands War remains of great interest to some citizens of both the UK and Argentina, and to historians of the Western World who see this tiny conflict as significant in its symbolism. There is certainly sufficient interest on this issue by scholars and journalists, considering there are several hundred books [...]
The ‘Indigenous’ Experiment
“The nation as understood by the nationalist, is a substitute god, nationalism of this sort might be called ethnolatry.” – Hugh Seton-Watson (Nations and States, An Enquiry into the Origins of Nations and the Politics of Nationalism) Ever since I started working with indigenous peoples’ rights activists, I have come to expect a broad range [...]
“International Zionism Is Strangling The World”: Interview With Jonathan Azaziah
Jonathan Azaziah is an Iraqi-American Muslim poet, activist, analyst, writer and journalist from Brooklyn, New York, currently residing in Florida. His articles, poems and music predominantly deal with international Zionism and the cruel effect that it has on the world’s oppressed people. He is also a staff writer for Pakistan’s premier alternative media outlet, Opinion [...]
Global economic realignments: Asia, US and EU
Ever since Nixon took the step to ameliorate relations with China, there have been gradual global economic realignments. The end of the Cold War and the creation of the European Monetary Union were major historic turning points in global realignment, as was the US decision in the 1990s to promote China and Taiwan to counterbalance [...]
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