Four prisoners were executed in Qom (south of Tehran)

Four prisoners have been executed in the prison of Qom in the past few days, reported the Mehr news agency. The report which was quoting Mostafa Barzegar, the prosecutor of Qom, said: ” Four persons convicted of drug trafficking were executed in the prison of Qom during the pas days”. The report didn’t identify the [...]

U.S. will work with Israel in preventing a nuclear Iran, said Obama

President Barack Obama stated on Sunday that the United States will cooperate with the Israeli government in preventing Iran from joining the world’s “nuclear club.” But Obama quickly noted that a diplomatic solution to this nuclear crisis is still his goal. During an interview with NBC News from the Oval Office, Obama said that both [...]

US Iran-for-Syria deal – 2012

On 3 February 2012, Russia denied that it was considering a US deal to permit an American-sponsored hit on Iran in exchange for non-Western intervention in Syria. Moscow insisted that it would not engage in backroom deals to back stab its Middle Eastern allies. This announcement came one day after Russia called the UN Security [...]

12 executions in Shiraz (southern Iran) today: five executions in public and seven executions in the prison

According to the reports from Iran 12 prisoners were executed in the city of Shiraz (southern Iran) today January 15th. Iran Human Rights (IHR) had earlier this week warned about the scheduled execution of nine prisoners in Shiraz. According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars, five prisoners were hanged publicly in three different [...]

Execution in Iran: at least 40 executions in the first week of 2012

January 8: One man was hanged in public in a Gachsaran (western Iran) reported the Iranian state media. According to the state run Iranian news agency ISNA, a man who was not identified by name, was hanged publicly in a village near Gachsaran yesterday Saturday January 7. The man was convicted of rape said the [...]

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