Quarter of Palestinians under poverty line, in East-Jerusalem even three quarters

Around 25.8% of Palestinians suffered from poverty in the Palestinian Territory in 2011, said a report by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) on Monday. It showed that slightly more than one out of four individuals was living below the poverty line in 2011, 17.8% in the West Bank and 38.8% in Gaza Strip. [...]

Israel: Mahmoud Sarsak at risk of death’: Free him immediately

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel, pm_eng@pmo.gov.il Re: Israel:Mahmoud Sarsak at risk of death’: Free him immediately Dear Prime Minister of the State of Israel, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for Salem-News.com. I am writing to express my serious concern over Mahmoud Sarsak who at risk of death in Israeli [...]

Justice upside down: a new study on Israel’s military courts

Israel uses imprisonment as a tool to oppress Palestinians who fight for freedom and resist the occupation of their homeland. Numerous Palestinian human rights activists have been arrested and detained. Palestinians from the West Bank – including East Jerusalem – and Gaza are tried by Israeli military courts, despite international humanitarian law’s preference for impartial civilian courts. In a [...]

Stop the bulldozers, Act now: end JCB’s complicity in Israel’s destruction of Palestinian communities

Last Friday, parents with toddlers demonstrated in front of Hamleys London flagship toy store to protest the use of JCB equipment in Israel’s crimes against Palestinian children and communities — particularly the ongoing and imminent destruction of dozens of Palestinian family homes in occupied Jerusalem. The world largest toy store is preparing to sell a [...]

Turkish court indicts Israeli military leaders in absentia

A Turkish criminal court this week indicted four Israeli military leaders in absentia for their alleged killing of nine Turkish citizens during the Free Gaza Flotilla in 2010, a police source in Israel told the Law Enforcement Examiner. The indictment affidavit from Istanbul prosecutor Mehmet Ekinci was given to the court last week and its [...]

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