Namibia awarded for protecting marine biological diversity

Namibia’s Marine Resources Act has won Silver in the 2012 Future Policy Award. The jury stressed that the Act has served to institute an economically and ecologically viable fishing industry in the African country. The 2012 Future Policy Award highlights exemplary solutions to protect the world’s oceans and is initiated by the World Future Council, [...]

Human damage to oceans

Source: New Scientist Between 7-12 May, NL-Aid is enjoying a spring recess. From 13 May, you can read articles of our authors again. Untill that time, we have selected Youtube videos in which the strength of people is centered;). In this episode: Oceans. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share [...]

World Oceans Day 2011 is focused on youth

World Oceans Day (WOD), is celebrated every year on June 8th. WOD was original proposed in 1992 by Canada at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and it was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2008. Since then it has been coordinated internationally by The Ocean Project and the World Ocean Network with [...]

Greenpeace campaign is asking Facebook to unfriend coal and befriend renewable energy

Greenpeace has been peacefully defending the planet since 1971, now they are asking Facebook to unfriend coal by Earth Day on April 22, 2011. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend

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