U.N. General Assembly Looks at the Rights of Women and Children
Last week hundreds of world leaders converged in New York City for the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly; on the agenda were hot topics such as Syria, Israel and Iran. However, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the rights of women and children have also been on the agenda. Governments and aid organizations alike made [...]
Neo-Nazism in Greece
IS NEO-NAZISM ‘GANG ACTIVITY’ OR A POLITICAL MOVEMENT? In a recent article, THE GUARDIAN noted that the Greek political party represented in parliament is more like a criminal organization than a party. This is the sort of hollow analysis that some writers engaged in about Italy’s Fascist Party and of Germany’s Nazi party before they [...]
Political Islam and violence – Islam and peace
On 9/11/2012, the anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy in New York and Washington, the US ambassador to Libya and three other diplomats were killed, apparently by a fanatic Islamic group. Naturally, Obama and top US officials as well as Libyans denounced the savage act of violence and promised stepped up security for all US facilities [...]
South Sudan: Peace dividends paying off
A special investigative journalism assignment fully supported by the Taco Kuiper Grant for Investigative Journalism A new nation has emerged defined by its bustling 10 states Warrap, Lakes, Jonglei, Upper Nile, Western Equatoria, Northern Bah el Ghazal, Unity, Western Bah el Ghazal, Eastern Equatoria and Central Equatoria out to host the world. A few years [...]
Peace is not an option: US and Israel
The news about US working behind the scenes with the Karzai regime to strike a deal with Taliban rebels comes as no surprise, given that such contacts have been ongoing for a long time while all along Afghanistan’s lucrative heroin trade that helps finance the rebels. The real news is that Obama, who just a [...]
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