Child deaths fall to a new low

According to the United Nations for the first time the number of annual child deaths have fallen below seven million. “The new child mortality estimates show that concerted efforts to get proven lifesaving care to children work and that, in the 21stcentury, children no longer need to die from preventable causes,” said Carolyn Miles, President [...]

The Worlds Poor Children Battle for Life Against Pneumonia and Diarrhea

As mentioned in the post, “UN Campaign Seeks to Give all Children a Shot at Life,” one in five children does not have access to vaccines that prevent deadly diseases, like measles, pneumonia, or diarrhea.  Nonetheless, some 2.5 million children under the age of 5 die every year as the result of preventable infectious disease, mostly due [...]

UN Campaign Seeks to Give all Children a Shot at Life

The word immunizations is just a simple vocabulary word to most of us in developed nations, however for those in developing countries the word means a ‘shot at life’ for their child.  One in five children does not have access to vaccines that prevent deadly diseases, like measles, pneumonia or diarrhea.  All of these diseases [...]

Giving a child a shot at life

Saving a the life of a child is truly simple, yet all too often children suffer and die needlessly. This year alone across the globe some two million children will die from preventable diseases. These children will suffer and die from diseases that here in the United States are nothing more than a faded memory, [...]

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