Water Pollution 2012 (Event)

On the 10th to the 12th of July, an event titled “Water Pollution 2012″ will be held in Wessex, UK. This is the 11th International Conference in the series on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution. The meeting, which started in 1991, has always been very successful and provides a forum for the discussion [...]

A Question of Fundamentals: Ecuador’s Divided Vision of Development

An earlier version of this article was published by Upside Down World Magazine on February 9th. In a recently published news release1, the Correa government reaffirmed its intention of opening up the country to large-scale mining and to significantly expand petroleum extraction. While creating the commonly known social, environmental and economic problems associated with primary [...]

Air pollution in Bangladesh capital kills thousands

Nauseating air pollution in the Bangladesh capital annually kills thousands of urban poor and millions more suffer from respiratory diseases, a burden on inadequate health budget. Authorities in Bangladesh assume if air pollution in its overcrowded capital could be reduced by only 20 to 80 percent, an estimated 1,200 to 3,500 lives annually could be [...]

Limits To Growth And Beyond – Part 1 (VIDEO)

In my post ‘Darker side of growth’ in European Journalism Centre I asked a question: In a pond if lotuses grow such that every next minute they double and if this minute the pond is half full, how long will it take for the lotuses to fill the pond? While it sounded like a quiz [...]

Mountain waters – elixir or envenom?

The pristine water quality of the mountains is under question despite bottled water manufacturers campaign to the contrary. This issue attempts to examine the dogma and the policy responses in India to protect environmental water quality of the mountains. Bottled water manufactures do a great job of enticing thirsty buyers to pick up a brand [...]

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