Neo-Nazism in Greece

IS NEO-NAZISM ‘GANG ACTIVITY’ OR A POLITICAL MOVEMENT? In a recent article, THE GUARDIAN noted that the Greek political party represented in parliament is more like a criminal organization than a party. This is the sort of hollow analysis that some writers engaged in about Italy’s Fascist Party and of Germany’s Nazi party before they [...]

China, capitalism and social justice

A few months ago, I wrote a brief piece on how China replaced Japan as the world’s number two economy, and I followed up with another piece on how China is expected to replace the US as the world’s leading economy in the next five years. A college student from China sent me an email, [...]

Dead end military solutions – market hegemony over the state

A number of years ago, I was invited to an international conference on war and peace. Participants were academics from different parts of the world. Next to me was sitting a colleague from the University of Arizona who happened to be Jewish and he and I saw ‘eye to eye’ on issues covered at the [...]

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