U.N. General Assembly Looks at the Rights of Women and Children
Last week hundreds of world leaders converged in New York City for the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly; on the agenda were hot topics such as Syria, Israel and Iran. However, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the rights of women and children have also been on the agenda. Governments and aid organizations alike made [...]
That attack on Mexican ambassador
The foul-tasting aspects of the Nigerian society affect foreigners living within and even diplomats who should be enjoying immunity are not exempted. On Friday night, the ambassador of Mexico to Nigeria was said to have been attacked by some mobs near his house because of some traffic issues and his car was damaged in the [...]
International silence over the Middle East felonies
As the U.S.-backed repressive regimes of the Middle East harshly crack down on their unarmed, innocent citizens, the international community has kept a low profile and indifferently watches the massacre of pro-freedom demonstrators in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen by the merciless dictators of the Persian Gulf region. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook [...]