Battling Child Labor in Cocoa and Cotton Fields

As I mentioned in my recent post, Decreasing Child Labor in 2012, child labor continues to hold some 215 million children in its firm grasp. While the fight to this practice has received increased attention, it is a long and hard battle. One of the largest and most public arenas where the fight against child [...]

Oprah’s Leadership Academy Girls Graduate in South Africa, but Are Boys Being Left Behind

Call it the O-effect. Passing with flying colors, seventy-two South African girls from disadvantaged backgrounds graduated from the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (the academy’s first graduates) in South Africa this past Saturday. True to the old adage that to educate a woman is to educate a nation, the queen of talk shows Oprah [...]

UN: market-oriented democracy vs. national sovereignty?

Throughout its history the UN has done a great deal of good for people around the world, especially UNESCO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, UN-HABITAT, and World Health Organization to mention some of the noteworthy entities. Although it has tried to live up to its mission of preserving peace, alleviating misery and promoting human progress at all levels, [...]

Women and Children Suffer from Hunger

Women and children are hit the hardest by hunger worldwide. Why? In developing countries women face unique barriers to critical resources like income, land, education and the ability to borrow money.  The global population has now hit a astonishing 7 billion-plus mouths to feed, and women and children account for more than 60% of those [...]

A Global Effort to Eradicate Polio

Monday, October 24th was World Polio Day, and while the day gained global attention by much of the press, it was just any other day for most of us. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), polio has declined from an estimated 350,000 cases in 1988 to 1,349 reported cases in 2010. Today the only [...]

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