Neo-Nazism in Greece
IS NEO-NAZISM ‘GANG ACTIVITY’ OR A POLITICAL MOVEMENT? In a recent article, THE GUARDIAN noted that the Greek political party represented in parliament is more like a criminal organization than a party. This is the sort of hollow analysis that some writers engaged in about Italy’s Fascist Party and of Germany’s Nazi party before they [...]
International silence over the Middle East felonies
As the U.S.-backed repressive regimes of the Middle East harshly crack down on their unarmed, innocent citizens, the international community has kept a low profile and indifferently watches the massacre of pro-freedom demonstrators in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen by the merciless dictators of the Persian Gulf region. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook [...]
Nabil Fahmy: ‘This revolution actually serves Israel as well’
Mubarak’s former ambassador to the US, was interviewed by The Cairo Review of Global Affairs. CAIRO REVIEW: We didn’t see anti-American or anti-Israel messages in Tahrir. NABIL FAHMY: It’s an interesting point that in all of my discussions with everybody here, foreign policy was not mentioned once by the demonstrators, not once. They didn’t argue [...]