Child maltreatment and abuse ripe in East Asia and Pacific
In East Asia and the Pacific, the number of children who face maltreatment is shockingly high. Roughly 10% to 30% of the 580 million children –one quarter of the world’s children — in the East Asia and Pacific regions are victims of forced sex and other physical abuse according to a report by UNICEF. The [...]
Funerals, Bamboo trains and flooded tuk tuks
I’m preparing for the drive back to Siem Reap today, which will take about three hours. I am very much hoping the heavy downpours will hold off until after I arrive back. Travelling anywhere in Cambodia is difficult enough but it becomes much worse when trying to drive through endless floods. It is incredibly hot with the [...]
CAMBODIA: Imediately dismiss Phnom Penh Deputy Police Chief Phuong Malay
Samdach Akak Moha Sena Padey Techo Hun Sen (Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia), H.E. Sar Kheng (Deputy Minister, Minister of Interior), H.E. Kep Chuktima (Governor of Phnom Penh Municipality), Lokchumteav Ing Kuntha Phavy (President of Cambodian National Council for Women (CNCW), Minister of Women Affairs) Dear Samdach Akak Moha Sena Padey Techo Hun [...]
Cambodia blog: The call of the Gecko
At eight a.m. I walked out of the apartment where I am staying into a sudden blast of hot air, smoke and the strong smell of frying pork. It is rush hour. I manage to hail a local tuk tuk driver and ask him to take me to the children’s hospital. He looks at me [...]
The Burmese government announced that it would grant Burmese citizenship to Muslims in Arakan in June 2012. This woke up the violence between Buddhist Rakhine people and Muslim Rohingya villagers repeating the Rohingya massacre of 1942 (only the number of the deceased is still unknown). Violence started after Buddhists attacked a bus carrying ten Muslim [...]
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