Bolivia Information Forum news letter
1. TIPNIS developments and consultation 2. First meeting of US-Bolivian Joint Commission shows progress 3. Legislation for disabled people sanctioned despite protests 4. Health workers protest over increase to working day 5. Two El Alto journalists murdered as country debates citizen security 6. Government condemns critical Narcotics Control Board report 7. Dispute between Tarija and [...]
Morales reflects on 6 years in power and other news
President Morales addressed the nation on Sunday 22 January to mark the second anniversary of the Plurinational State. In his speech Morales made reference to the principal achievements of his government, comparing them with the performance during the previous “neoliberal” period. The president reiterated that the standard of living in Bolivia has improved in many [...]
BIF News Briefing, November 2011
CONTENTS 1. TIPNIS crisis still not overcrisis still not over 2. Bolivia and United States reach new diplomatic agreement 3. Older people protest for improved benefits 4. December summit to discuss the future direction of Bolivia’s process of change 5. La Paz’s two state universities at loggerheads 1. TIPNIS crisis still not over The TIPNIS [...]
BIF News Briefing: TIPNIS protest, judicial elections, Coca cultivation, Potosi civic group
After more than two months of intense political protest, President Morales was made to back down over plans to build a road through the Isibore Securé national park and indigenous reserve, known as TIPNIS (see BIF Bulletin No. 20 and BIF Special Briefing from October). The crisis was resolved after Morales enacted a law that [...]
GEORGIA: Weekly Economic Digest Eng September 19 – September 26, 2011
Dear all, Economic Digest September 19 – September 26, 2011 Main Themes of Week: · According to the Fraser Institute’s „Economic Freedom of the World 2011“ Annual Report, Georgia ranks 27 (with 7.36 score) among the world’s 141 countries · Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Georgia at current prices amounted to 5 848,1 million GEL [...]
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