BIF News Briefing, November 2011
CONTENTS 1. TIPNIS crisis still not overcrisis still not over 2. Bolivia and United States reach new diplomatic agreement 3. Older people protest for improved benefits 4. December summit to discuss the future direction of Bolivia’s process of change 5. La Paz’s two state universities at loggerheads 1. TIPNIS crisis still not over The TIPNIS [...]
Egyp’s revolution in historical perspective
To understand why Egyptians rebelled in the early months of 2011 and then continued their uprising in November 2011 after the Mubarak regime was overthrown, one must examine not just the short-term causes (poverty, political corruption, authoritarian rule, etc.) of Arab Spring, but the history of this North African country from the era of Mehmet [...]
Flag of Hezbollah It happens sometime that NL-Aid makes a mistake. We had put the wrong author at the bottom of article; US covert operations in the Middle East. We have corrected the oversight. All credit goes to Jon Kofas. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share [...]
Polls at NL-Aid
The last few weeks NL-Aid had published 7 polls. These are the results. The Millennium Development Goals will be met. Yes: 56,605 votes (32%) No: 121,114 votes (68%) Total votes: 177,719 Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark [...]
Darjeeling – The Fallen Queen (VIDEO)
Though some British East India Company officials stayed in the village of Darjeeling in 1828 and considered the place suitable for a sanatorium for British soldiers, the remote hilly village might not have turned into a hill city of international repute had the Sikkim Chogyal not imprisoned the British East India Company Director Arthur Campbell [...]
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