Morsi, SCAF and the revolutionary left

As soon as the news broke last Sunday that Mohamed Morsi was officially declared Egypt’s first elected civilian president, I could hear loud happy chants and cheers in my street. The janitors in my neighborhood gathered around the corner in their galabiyas, jumping up and down, in the same fashion I usually see them when [...]

Managing Societal Fault Lines in Africa (VIDEO)

The Atlantic Council’s Africa Center hosted a discussion on the book On the Fault Line: Managing Tensions and Divisions within Societies recently. The panel was moderated by Mary Carlin Yates, former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Africa on the National Security Staff. It included J. Peter Pham, director of the Africa [...]

The Moral Foundations of Good Governance

One of the biggest differences between strong and weak states is the nature of the moral imperatives that operate in the public realm. Whereas in well-governed countries, people feel obligated to act according to certain minimum ethical standards, in badly governed countries they do not. There are many reasons for this divergence, most notably differences [...]

Egypt in the middle of.. eh in the middle of what?

Uncertainty, that is probably the one word that comes to mind when thinking about Egypt this Saturday evening. On Friday a new massive demonstration was held at Tahrir against. A protest against SCAF, against the new additions it introduced to the constitution whereby it gave itself the last word in almost everything and certainly in [...]

EBRD ensure that concrete benchmarks in the country assessments for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia

Mr. Thomas Mirow, President EBRD Re: EBRD ensure that concrete benchmarks in the country assessments for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia Dear President Mirow, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for Salem am writing to urge you to ensure that the EBRD’s upcoming process of creating country assessments and operational priorities for [...]

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