China’s housing market – an inflationary bubble, or a sustainable boom?

Once again, inflation increased in China last month by more than economists expected, as rising commodity costs and inflows of capital threaten to overheat economies across Asia. Chinas consumer prices rose 5.4% from a year earlier, the fastest pace since 2008, according to statistical reports coming out of China. Four interest-rate increases in China since [...]

Spain and the EU’s ‘creditor-debtor conflict’

Now that Portugal has joined Greece and Ireland in the group of EU members to undergo IMF-EU austerity measures in order to qualify for bailout money, Spain is the next target. Should Spain not take the lead to form a mini-bloc of EU debtor nations that threaten default unless their demands for substantial debt write [...]


Revolts or mass uprisings do not necessarily result in revolutions defined as structural or system change of institutions from political, economic, social and cultural. A revolt can result in regime change but the policies from the old regime to the new may be the same, or the new regime may even pursue more regressive or [...]

Democracy and Economic Development – Complementary or Contradictory?

Background The history of modern economic development is full of successes and failures. The failures appear to be more then the successes; from the many African nations that have never truly improved their condition since independence 60 years ago; to the Middle East, rich with oil but stagnant democratically; to the mixed bag of Latin [...]

Liberia’s US$194.1 millin debt cancelled by Japan

The Governments of Liberia and Japan have signed a debt cancellation agreement. The agreement formalizes the terms the two countries agreed upon during last year September Paris Club meeting. According to a reliable source in the Liberian capital, Monrovia, the debt cancellation is in the tune of 16 billion yen or US$194.1 million. The signing [...]

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