Using food to increase birth registration

A child’s first access to human rights comes with the registration of their birth.  Birth registration is more than than a right, but the key to the future.  Without a birth certificate a child is left to wander through life vulnerable to abuse and victimization.   Despite how valuable birth registration is to a child’s welfare, registering [...]

Are politics to blame for the deaths of 30,000 children in Somalia?

In July, the UN declared a famine in two regions of Southern Somalia, the first such announcement in the region since the infamous 1984 famine in Ethiopia. Somalia continues to find itself gripped tightly by starvation; the famine has claimed the lives of some 30,000 children in the last 3 months alone. More than 12 [...]

Famime in the horn of Africa

More than two million children may die of famine and disease in the Horn of Africa this year while the world merely observes, regardless of UNICEF and private organizations’ pleas for help. One of the worst droughts in more than a decade, combined with rising food prices and armed conflict, account for extensive famine and [...]

Nigeria and ECOWAS to respond to famine in Somalia

ECOWAS Chairman President, Goodluck Jonathan has expressed concern at the famine in Somalia. He pledged that Nigeria and the Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS], would make appropriate responses at the forthcoming pledging conference to be held in Addis Ababa,the Ethiopian capital on the 25th of this month. President Jonathan was speaking when former [...]

Trans-boundary famine… (VIDEO)

In one of recently held international seminar in Pakistan, experts from various institutions of the world highlighted concerns related to various developmental processes, natural resource crisis and ignorance towards local governance system in the mountainous part of Himalaya. The experts highlighted the dependence of over 1.5 billion people in South Asia region on water resources [...]

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