The Right Revolution
Nigerians enjoy mimicry in the sense that they could copy and reproduce without much thought about the principles behind the original concept of what they replicated. With this issue in mind, I was very edgy when the revolutions started in the Arab world because I have seen our countrymen fabricate bombs and let them explode [...]
Transport strike leader to go on trial!
Ali Fetouh, a leading independent trade unionist at the Cairo Public Transport Authority, whose role was central to their 2009 and February 2011 strikes, will show up on 7 May at a penal court at the State Council, accused of “agitating for strikes and publicly talking about the problems of workers in the media.” Blog [...]
‘Movement Against Illegal Immigration’ banned
The Russian government indicated its increasing intolerance toward nationalist organizations today with the Moscow City Court ruling that the Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI) is an extremist organization. The verdict fulfilled of a request by Moscow city prosecutors and Prosecutors General Office to investigate the organization for inciting racial violence. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious [...]
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