IOM to evacuate stranded migrants to Bangladesh

The stranded migrants awaiting evacuation at Egyptian border will be flown into Bangladesh by International Organization for Migration (IOM) next week. IOM in response to the urgent request of the Bangladesh, the Libya evacuation coordination body of IOM has decided to arrange more chartered flights to bring back Bangladeshis from Al Saloum at the Egyptian [...]

Libya: thousands flee Libya, amidst continous fighting

According to United Nations News Agency the United Nations refugee chief today called on the international community to forge ahead with humanitarian efforts as fighting in Libya escalates and people continue to flee the North African nation by the thousands. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share [...]

Libya’s children caught in Turmoil as the conflict escalates

As the violence in Libya continues to escalate as the air attacks on cities continue and growing numbers of refugees flee cities and now remain trapped on the borders, it threatens to turn into a full-scale humanitarian crisis. More than 200,000 people have already fled the fighting in Libya, most of them crossing into the [...]

Liberia & Ghana: George Weah’s view on Liberian refugee incident with Ghana Police

Former Liberian presidential candidate and international football star, George Weah, has appealed to the Ghanaian government to respect the rights of Liberian refugees at the Buduburam camp located in the Central region. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print for later [...]

Alarming human rights situation at Libyan borders

The situation on Libya’s border with Tunisia has reached crisis point, as tens of thousands of foreigners flee unrest in the country, the UN says. Aid workers seem unable to cope, with new refugees pouring in as quickly as others cross over, say correspondents. A spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Melissa Fleming, [...]

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