Report revels a shocking 7,000 stillbirths occurring daily
A report from the World Health Organization indicates that some 2.6 million stillbirths occur every year globally, with more than 90% of them in low or middle income countries. With an estimated 7,000 stillbirth every day, with majority of such cases happening in Sub- Saharan African countries including Uganda. The report estimated that almost half [...]
Stop international bigamous marriage by a victim
Bigamy is a serious crime in most of countries. If a bigamous marriage involves individuals from more than one country, the process to track down the cases is not well established. The intention of this article to shed some light on it. In the USA, the punishment for bigamy and enforcement of the crime varies [...]
Mullahs in Bangladesh clashed with police protesting gender equality of women
Islamic bigots along with students of Koranic schools in Bangladesh clashed with riot police on Monday while enforcing country-wide shut down protesting government’s decision of gender equality of women, which zealots interpret as anti-Islamic. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print [...]
Sex slavery continues in Europe in spite of progressive attitudes
International human trafficking, especially sex-slavery, appears to continue unabated despite law enforcement operations, government studies and even politically-correctness. There are several scholars and organizations in the United States who have advocated the legalization of prostitution in order to remove the crime from the sex trade. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on [...]
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