Saudi Arabia: Detention of human rights defender Mr Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi

Posted on | september 25, 2012 | No Comments

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, Office of the King, Saudi Arabia

Your Excellency,

I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for

I came to know from Front Line – The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders about the situation.

On 20 September 2012, the detention of human rights defender Mr Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi was extended by two weeks following his arrest by Mecca Police on 15 September 2012. He is being held in Al Muwahad Prison in Mecca and is due to be presented before a judge on 24 September. Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi is a prominent human rights defender whose work particularly focuses on the situation of the people who were rendered landless by an agreement reached by the Saudi and Yemeni governments.

On 15 September 2012, Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi was arrested by Mecca police and detained in Al Muwahad Prison in Mecca. During his interrogation, he was repeatedly accused of inciting a protest. On 20 September, his detention was extended by two weeks and he continues to be held in Al Muwahad Prison. He has yet to be informed of any charges which may have been brought against him. He is due to be presented before a judge for the first time on 24 September, and is expected to be formally charged at this time.

On 12 September 2012, Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi was notified that he was required to present himself for interrogation to the criminal investigation department in Gizan by 15 September 2012. After receiving this notification, he posted a video on YouTube explaining that he had been summoned in connection with his legitimate human rights activities and displaying all of the documents and photos he had sent in the context of these activities.

On 10 September 2012, he sent 280 pages of evidence, accompanied by a statement and photos to Prince Ahmed Abdulaziz, reportedly proving the involvement of the ruler of Gizan Province, Mr Abdullah Al Suwaid, in acts of corruption. These reported acts pertain to the prevention of compensation payments from reaching the landless people of Gizan for the property which had been confiscated from them.

I believe that the detention of Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi is directly linked to his peaceful and legitimate activities in the defence of human rights.

I urge the authorities in Saudi Arabia to:

1.Immediately and unconditionally release human rights defender Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi, as I believe that he is being held solely as a result of his legitimate and peaceful work in the defence of human rights;

2.Carry out an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation into the arrest and detention of Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi;

3.Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions including judicial harassment.

AUTHOR: William Nicholas Gomes
E-MAIL: [at]


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