Egyptian Election Committee disqualifies 10 presidential candidates

The body overseeing Egypt’s presidential election, the Supreme Presidential Election Committee (SPEC) disqualified 10 candidates from the race on Saturday. They include some of the leading candidates, like the Muslim Brotherhood’s Khairat al-Shater, former spy chief Omar Suleiman and Salafi sheikh Hazem Salah Abu-Ismail. Others are Ayman Nour and Mortada Mansour, Ahmed Saidi, Mamdouh Qutb, [...]

Islamists versus the army, a new phenomenon in Egypt (VIDEO)

Hundreds of thousand of people all over Egypt have demonstrated on Friday, according to Al Ahram, against the way the military is handling the expected handover of the power to civilian institutions. The main ire of the protesters was directed towards a document about the make-up of a constituent assemble that has to be formed [...]

Piggipedia: Sherif el-Qamati

Sherif el-Qamati is a State Security Police officer who worked at the Bureau of Counter-Communism and Human Rights Organizations, which was in charge of monitoring, arresting and torturing leftists and rights activists. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print for later [...]

Army chases protesters for Tahrir in Cairo, reason still unclear (VIDEO)

It is beyon my capacity to conclude from here what was exactly behind the evensts on Tahrir in the early morning of Saturday. The army attacked, so much is sure. But why? Blogger 3arabawy (Hossam Hamalawy) has this video and also the text is his. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on [...]

The Wael effect

Tuesday was the day after the night of the Wael Ghoneim interview on Dream Tv and the effect was enormous. More people came toTahrir than ever before, many of them newcomers and many of them confessing that the interview with Wael had had the effect to convince them to join. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious [...]

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