The Global Warming Conspiracy
People take the earth’s magnetic field for granted, because its can’t be detected by our five senses (sight, sound, taste, smell, feel, etc). It can only be detected by the knowledge that magnetic fields exist, or a magnetometer. The earth’s magnetic, and gravitational fields protects all life on the surface of this planet from the [...]
Put an End to One Trillion Dollars of Annual Oil Subsidies
Although governments try to hide the exact amount, an analysis by Oil Change International indicates that global oil subsidies total at least $775 billion to as much as $1 trillion or more in 2012. Rather than pay for an industry that is destroying the planet and compromising the lives of all of its inhabitants, this [...]
Video: Carbon Credits Explained
` This video offers a simplified explanation of carbon credits and carbon finance. First it reviews greenhouse gases or GHGs, then it uses the example of a coal plant in the developing world to demonstrate how credits are earned and traded. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin [...]
UK Climate Change Fund: Nigeria Low Carbon Transport Options
Thank you climate change, thanks for being the factor for which Nigeria will be supported to move in direction of low carbon transport and energy efficiency. The British government listed Nigeria amongst developing nations that are beneficiaries of its International Climate Fund (ICF) this December. Climate change is becoming a priority issue in Nigeria especially [...]
The IPCC Assessment on Cimate Change is False
Temperature Readings Greenhouse gases are not to blame for global warming, solar radiation is to blame. The average global atmospheric temperatures, or average surface temperature (greenhouse gas effect) are affected by solar radiation, humidity, air temperature, urban heating, and other Trace gases such as CO2, argon, neon, methane aka IRag). These elements increases the heat [...]
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