‘Self Determination Friday’ again underscores divisions within Egyptian opposition
Tens of thousands (some say more than 100.000) demonstrated on Friday on Tahrir Square in Cairo against military rule and for a handover of power to civilian rule. The presence of Islamists like the Muslim Brothers and Salafists was heavily dominant, but ‘civil’ forces like the April 6 Movement and some liberal parties were also [...]
Huge crowds on anniverary of ´25 January´ testify that Eypt´s revolution is not over yet
Hundreds of thousands streamed towards Tahrir Square in Cairo yesterday on the first anniversary of the beginning of the Egyptian revolution. The square was completely packed, surrounding places like Talaat Harb square or the Qasr el- Nil bridge were as well. Al-Ahram Online reported that some people thought that the day saw a bigger turnout [...]
Political situation in Egypt unclear after fresh round of heavy fighting leaves 10 dead and 1700 wounded
Fresh waves of protests started throughout Egypt after clashes between police and protesters refusing to leave Tahrir Square on Saturday left two dead and 676 injured as police violence escalated a few days before parliamentary elections. The police’s decision to evacuate Tahrir Square early Saturday morning backfired, as their heavy-handed tactics against the small overnight [...]
Did the Egyptian revolution go wrong?
The article below is a translation from the newspaper al-Masry al-Youm, of June 5th, 2011. Writer Alaa al-Aswani (photo) in it paints a dark picture of what the revolution in Egypt so far achieved and – more importantly – did not achieve. In doing so he makes a strong case for the need of the [...]
Police cracks down on martyrs’ families in Tahrir (VIDEO)
Police clash with the martyrs’ families and citizens in Tahrir Square on Tuesday night… Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
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