Bangladesh: Threats and reprisals against Ms. Shampa Goswami

Ms. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister, Dear Prime Minister, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for I came to know that OMCT has been informed by reliable sources about the reprisals against Ms. Shampa Goswami, a staff member of the NGO Odhikar working on violence against women. She is among the most active [...]

Saudi Arabia: Detention of human rights defender Mr Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi

His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, Office of the King, Saudi Arabia Your Excellency, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for I came to know from Front Line – The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders about the situation. On 20 September 2012, the detention of human [...]

Majid Tavakoli is the Winner of the Student Peace Prize

Majid Tavakoli, prominent Iranian student leader activist, was announced the winner of the 2013 Student Peace Prize this morning. The announcement was made today to coincide with the United Nations’ International Day of Peace. The prize committee acknowledged Tavakoli for his “non- violent fight for freedom of speech and democracy.” The Norwegian Minister of Foreign [...]

Professional BDS in South Africa overpowers pro-Israel lobby, says former AIPAC man (VIDEO)

The BDS movement is overpowering the pro-Israel lobby in South Africa, Howard Sackstein said in an interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz yesterday. Sackstein has worked for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the largest pro-Israel lobby organization in the US. South African BDS activists are “professionals” In the interview, Sackstein warned the pro-Israel [...]

Child deaths fall to a new low

According to the United Nations for the first time the number of annual child deaths have fallen below seven million. “The new child mortality estimates show that concerted efforts to get proven lifesaving care to children work and that, in the 21stcentury, children no longer need to die from preventable causes,” said Carolyn Miles, President [...]

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