Polls at NL-Aid
The last few weeks NL-Aid had published 7 polls. These are the results. The Millennium Development Goals will be met. Yes: 56,605 votes (32%) No: 121,114 votes (68%) Total votes: 177,719 Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark [...]
Adam Phillips on Greed – Capitalism is for Children (VIDEO)
Last week I saw the British psychoanalyst Adam Phillips on Dutch television discussing his book ’On Balance’ and he said some very interesting things so I uploaded that part of the show. According to Phillips, greed is wanting more than you can have. Nothing new here, but he also says that greed is the [...]
Geoengineering Science is closer than COP17
Geoengineering is the magic wand to likely save the world from devastating effects of climate change. A point of no return is a recent prediction about where Green House (GHG) emissions will tilt the earth climate system. This scupper is worrisome even as diminutive weather variation around the world is causing losses to lives and [...]
The Holy Grail Of Water Security
Water Security is a situation of reliable and secure access to water. When we project this definition on a national perspective things start to get really complex. Reliability of water source is dependent on few factors: Population growth Food production Climatic change and variability Land use Water quality Water demand Sectoral resources and institutional capacity [...]
How to change the culture of aid
System thinking in quadrants In order to measure aid organisations (bilateral, multilateral, donors, NGOs) I would like to present my personal quadrants. Quadrant The quadrants are divided by two axes. On one side I have put qualitative reports and on the other side quantitative reports. In my opinion; qualitative is the same as to inform [...]
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