Russian Presidential Election: Known Knowns and Unknown Unknowns

On Sunday, by all accounts, Vladimir Putin will be elected President of the Russian Federation for a six year term with the option of running again in 2018. The polls don’t lie. The last Levada Center poll, places Putin at 66 percent with Gennady Ziuganov at a distant 15 percent, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 8 percent, Mikhail [...]

SCAF’s Constitutional Declaration – Uncertainty and Hope for Egypt’s Bicameral Legislature

February 11 marked the one year anniversary of the official fall of Hosni Mubarak from power.  What started with street demonstrations and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) overthrowing the President and dissolving the Parliament, was followed by a referendum to amend the existing constitution and fresh Parliamentary election.  On February 22, the [...]

Ethnic Tension Simmers in Namibia’s Presidential Succession Race

It’s called managing expectations in a cultural diverse society, stupid! The simmering ethnic tension between those who prefer a non-Oshiwambo speaking person to become the next president of Namibia after president Pohamba’s term expires in 2013, and those who view such a call as tribalism and against the country’s slogan of “One Namibia-one nation” has [...]

Mexico Presidential Race: Voter Indecision

Reforma/Sergio Aguayo: “The mood of citizens is far, far away from those experienced during the presidential elections from 1988 to 2006. While we have emergencies on several fronts, the elections, parties and candidates are seen by a large number of citizens as necessary evils that we have to tolerate and endure. According to surveys by [...]

(Islamist) opposition wins big in Kuwait

Kuwait’s Islamist-led opposition has made significant gains in the Gulf state’s fourth parliamentary election in six years. Opposition candidates won 34 of the 50 seats in the National Assembly, with 23 of them going to Sunni Islamists.Liberals won nine seats. Women did not win any. There were four women in the last parliament, but Ayesh [...]

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