Stop the bulldozers, Act now: end JCB’s complicity in Israel’s destruction of Palestinian communities
Last Friday, parents with toddlers demonstrated in front of Hamleys London flagship toy store to protest the use of JCB equipment in Israel’s crimes against Palestinian children and communities — particularly the ongoing and imminent destruction of dozens of Palestinian family homes in occupied Jerusalem. The world largest toy store is preparing to sell a [...]
Situation in Syria detoriates further, at least 90 killed in massacre in province of Homs (VIDEO)
A report by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon paints an alarming picture of a situation in Syria that is further detoriating day by day. Groups fighting President Bashar al-Assad now control “significant” parts of some cities and there is “considerable physical destruction” across the country, it says. “There is a continuing crisis on the ground, [...]
Nepal burns in the agony of Ethnic Federalism (VIDEO)
Nepal burns in agony of identity crisis, from past few weeks Nepal has been in a crisis situation of political deadlock and lack of understanding in between the communities. Nepal was declared Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal in May 2008 but still after 4 years Nepal has not been able to address the issue of [...]
Huge March against the PRI and the System in Mexico City
Tens of thousands of men and women of different generations, mostly youth, took to the streets on May 19 to make it clear, in their words, that “here we are and we are going to make you listen.” The march, organized through social networks, was to protest against the presidential candidate Enrique Peña Nieto, of [...]
The MOD sit-in: Sometimes with the Islamists, Never with the State…
During the Monday march in solidarity with the Abbassiya detainees, a young comrade I know from Cairo University, a medical student who was among the field hospital doctors during the MOD sit-in, approached me, and told me the story of a Salafi woman in niqab, who kept on kissing the Revolutionary Socialists red flag during [...]
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