Kenya’s Debt, Kenya’s Promise
Posted on | augustus 4, 2012 | No Comments
So, what does it mean that Kenya’s debt is low low that if the country were part of the Eurozone it would have the third lowest debt ratio?
Probably not a great deal. It means, of course, that Kenya has managed its debt well. It means that data can reveal a great deal, but that one data point may not reveal all that much. It means that Kenya might well be ripe for investment, but that the investment has not yet come in substantial amounts. It means that Kenya’s fundamental economic limitations right now are probably political, and that while the country could use a great deal of work on the political front, if Kenya can reach some state of political equilibrium, it could be a leader in the coming surge of African Lions.
AUTHOR: Derek Charles Catsam
E-MAIL: derekcatsam [at]
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