Algeria: Arrest and beating of human rights defender Mr Yacine Zaid

Posted on | oktober 5, 2012 | No Comments

Yacine Zaid

H.E. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, President; Minister of National Defence, Algiers

Your Excellency,

I am William Nicholas Gomes,Human Rights Ambassador for

I came to know about the situation from Front Line Defenders.

On the morning of 1 October 2012, human rights defender Mr Yacine Zaid was arrested and brutally beaten by three policemen in Ouargla.

At the time of his arrest, he was travelling on a bus with Mr. Aibek Abdelmalek, a member of the Comité National pour la Défense des Droits des Chômeurs – CNDDC (National Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Unemployed). At approximately 09:30 AM, three policemen in civilian attire forced them to disembark the bus and they proceeded to insult, interrogate and beat Mr Yacine Zaid, all whilst he was handcuffed. He was then placed in a white Nissan 4×4 and taken to an unknown location.
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Uzbekistan: Arrest of human rights defender Uktam Pardayev

Posted on | oktober 5, 2012 | No Comments

President Islam Karimov, Office of the President, Uzbekistan

Your Excellency,

I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for

I came to know about the situation from Front Line Defenders.

On 30 September 2012, at approximately 10:00 am, human rights defender Mr Uktam Pardayev was beaten and arrested at a service station in the town of Djizak by several armed policemen. Since his arrest, relatives of the human rights defender have been denied any information regarding his situation or whereabouts. Uktam Pardayev is the Chairperson of the Independent Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (IHRSU) in the region of Djizak.
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A Peacock Between Two Giants: Suu Kyi on Sino-Us Relations

Posted on | oktober 4, 2012 | No Comments

One of the wonderful features of Aung Sang Suu Kyi’s visit to the University of Louisville last week, and there were many, was the significant length of time that was given over to questions and answers. It was particularly exciting to see the exchange between Suu Kyi and the refugees from Burma that now call Louisville home. As a China watcher, however, I was most fascinated by her response to an excellent question posed by University of Louisville Professor of Political Science, Charles Zeigler:
“As an authoritarian regime, Burma was very close to an authoritarian China. As it democratizes, assuming that process continues, where do you see Burma’s international position going. Will it retain close ties with China? Will it draw closer to the United States? How do you see that evolving?”

Truly inspiring, Suu Kyi’s answer is worth relaying in full:

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Audit report of Jan Mitra Nyas (Public charitable trust of PVCHR)

Posted on | oktober 4, 2012 | No Comments

JMN Audit Report 2011-2012

JMN Audit Report 2011-2012
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Three Afghan Citizens Were Hanged In Iran

Posted on | oktober 3, 2012 | No Comments

Three Afghan prisoners were hanged in the prison of Tabas, eastern Iran, reported the Iranian state media today. According to the state-run Iranian news agency Fars, three prisoners identified as “N. M.”, “Sh. P.” and “Z.N.”, all Afghan citizens, were executed in the prison of Tabas, on Monday September 24. The prisoners were convicted of keeping and carrying 850 grams, 770 grams and 870 grams of heroin respectively, said the report. Iran Human Rights emphasizes that the charges have not been confirmed by independent sorces.
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