Iran’s currency in free fall

Iran’s currency, the rial, fell as much as 18% on Monday to a record low against the US dollar, according to media reports. It dropped to as much as 35,000 to the dollar, according to agencies citing currency exchange sites in the country.The currency has reportedly lost 80% of its value since the end of [...]

Bad news for relations US-Iran: Mujaheddin e-Khalq removed from list of terrorist groups

The U.S. State Department on Friday formally removed the Iranian dissident group Mujahadin-e Khalq from its official list of terrorist organizations in a move which, according to political analysts is bound to deteriorate the relations with Iran even further. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the decision, as the State Department stated, in view of [...]

Danish clients dump G4S because of security company’s ties to Israeli occupation (VIDEO)

After pressure from BDS activists, several Danish clients have terminated contracts with British-Danish security company G4S for the company’s role in the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Meanwhile, the UK Home Affairs Committee last week published a damning report about the failure of G4S to deliver on a contract to secure the London Olympics. The committee [...]

Political Prisoner Zanyar Moradi Denied Medical Treatment

According to reliable sources from Iran, Iranian officials have denied medical treatment to Zanyar Moradi, a political prisoner on death row. The head of the prison ward reportedly had recommended Zanyar Moradi undergo surgical treatment recently. Sources have informed IHR that Zanyar Moradi suffers from severe back pain and other medical conditions which require treatment. [...]

Saudi Arabia: Detention of human rights defender Mr Issa Al Marzooq Nukheifi

His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, Office of the King, Saudi Arabia Your Excellency, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for I came to know from Front Line – The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders about the situation. On 20 September 2012, the detention of human [...]

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